African Doundoun Drums

‘The time-keeper of the Djembe chorus’

The collective name for a family of West African bass drums, the Dunun (or doundoun, doun doun, dundun, djun djun) are the heartbeat and timekeepers of the djembe chorus.

Also affectionately regarded as the grand-daddy of the kit drum for it’s simple isolating rhythmic and bell patterns, the doundoun collection is made up of Kenkeni (the smallest, carrying the highest pitch and holding the rhythm together with a simple pattern), the Sangban (producing a medium tone, typically carrying a more complex part that defines the rhythm), and the Dununba (the largest of the three, adding deep bass with widely spaced notes and longer cyclical patterns).

Each is traditionally played separately on its side with an individual accompanying bell pattern. Popularly played ‘ballet style’ for is visual stage appeal, the 3 can also be played in an upright position together.

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West African Doun doun drums from Ghana

Ghana Doundoun Set

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